Can Dogs Be Given Multi Vitamins?

Dog multivitamins and human multivitamins both contain a spectrum of vitamins and minerals that both species need to live and thrive. But the similarities probably end there. It’s important to note that human multivitamins tend to contain 100% of a person’s daily requirement of vitamins and minerals. Whereas dog multivitamins generally contain only 20%. Why? …

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Why Does My Dog Have Sores On Their Upper Lip?

Dogs can get sores on their lips just like humans.  Dogs are far more vulnerable to contracting certain diseases in their mouth because they use their mouths as hands.  Like picking up objects, eating food, and licking random surfaces, including their favorite human friend.  So if you ever noticed a sore, lesion, bump, or pink …

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Can Dogs Eat Fat Trimmings?

You love your dog and once in a while, you want to indulge him with a treat. You probably already know that chocolates, walnuts, onions, avocado and grapes are some of the huge no no’s when it comes to dog food. But what about fat trimmings? Sounds like something your cannine friend would appreciate doesn’t …

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Do Dogs Have Armpits Or Leg Pits?

Do dogs have armpits or leg pits? Yes, but not in the way that humans do. For example, there are two sweat glands on either side of the dog’s front legs, which release heat through evaporation when he’s hot. The hairless spots for these glands are called “pits.” Dogs also perspire from other parts of …

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Can I Give My Dog Activia Yogurt

Who are Activia? Activia is a company dedicated to researching probiotics and how they improve gut health. They provide several different probiotic yoghurt products, including some designed for children. They believe that gut health is important to overall health. Why might Activia help dogs?  Pets can develop gut problems just like people can. Dogs are …

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Can Dogs Eat Raw Potatoes?

Potatoes are often considered to be a cheap and beneficial vegetable to bulk up your dog’s food intake. This is because both cooked and raw potatoes do technically possess some nutritional value. However, you should generally avoid feeding your dog raw potatoes. This is because they contain high levels of Solanine, a compound toxic to …

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Can Dogs Eat Rice Noodles?

So, it’s late. You’re home from a long day at the office, and Rover is super excited to see you. That’s great! You reach for the dog food because he’s probably starving, only to see that it’s empty. Should you make an emergency trip to the grocery store? Is the store even open at this …

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My Dog Ate A Chocolate Orange

While it is easy to panic in a situation like this, it is important to do your best to try to stay calm. Remind yourself that accidents happen, and our furry friends can often create their own mischief. Right now though, they need you to collect as much information as you can, to make sure …

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Can Dogs Eat Biscuits?

Luckily, if your dog snacks on a biscuit will not hurt them, if your dog likes to eat plain biscuits from time to time, then that is fine so long as it’s in moderation. Be aware that some dogs with a grain allergy can cause uncomfortable symptoms such as itchy-red skin, and ear infections. Even …

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My Dog Ate Mixed Nuts

There can be a lot of different nuts in a container of mixed nuts, depending on the brand.  Peanuts, which are actually a legume, are often included. Walnuts, Brazil nuts, cashews, almonds, hazelnuts and pecans are the usual constituents.  These nuts can be raw, roasted/salted or honey roasted, depending on what’s in them. A few …

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