Can Dog’s Eat Ants?

I remember when my youngest Golden, Sylvie, as a puppy would stare intently at ants as they crawled across the patio in the summer. Her nose would almost be touching them as she was transfixed. Now as an adult she has graduated to staring intently at squirrels and pigeons- they don’t strain the eyes as …

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Help! My Dog Ate A Muffin Wrapper

Need any more proof dogs are smart? Yes, they figured out muffins are yummy and they’re on the lookout when they get a whiff of the delicious smell coming from the kitchen. Turn your back for one minute and your otherwise well-behaved companion will steal the goodies. One thing dogs haven’t figured out yet are …

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Help! My Dog Ate A Chocolate Donut

It happens to the best fur parents – you walk into a room and you see an empty box of chocolate donuts and an extremely guilty looking pup. Now we all know that chocolate is extremely toxic for dogs, but we don’t know how poisonous chocolate donuts are for them. Is this an immediate trip …

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My Dog Ate Wood And Is Throwing Up

In this post I look at one of a dog’s favourite activities- chewing sticks and wood and looking at why it can sometimes go a bit wrong. And by that I mean that after they have eaten the stick, they then throw up! But for those of you in a hurry, let me start by …

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My Dog Ate A Mushroom And Is Throwing Up

If you have just seen your dog eat a mushroom and then throw up, then you need to act fast. I mean if you have just given your dog a bite of your mushroom pizza and then seen them vomit, your dog will probably be fine. The mushroom didn’t agree with them but the body …

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Help! My Dog Ate Grape Jelly

Is your dog a thief? A sneaky raider of any item that has been left on a kitchen work surface? Years ago, one of my dogs used to put her front paws onto the kitchen counter and lick from the sugar bowl! Fortunately, it never seemed to do her much harm and it taught us …

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Help! My Puppy Hiccups And Vomits

Watching the body of your new puppy tremble every few seconds for some minutes or almost an hour is enough to scare any pet parent, especially if it’s your first furry baby. But just like we humans have hiccups, dogs have hiccups too.  In fact, hiccups are a mammalian thing and every animal with a …

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Are Dandelions Poisonous To Dogs? Can They Cause Diarrhea?

A dog laying in a field surrounded by dandelions

As a dog owner, one of the biggest concerns you can have revolves around unspoken health issues in your dog. Canines are amazing and intelligent creatures, yet they can be hurt through the most innocuous of means. Many times, though, illnesses and conditions that a dog can suffer from will stem from what they eat. …

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