My French Bulldog has long legs? Is this right?

It might be a little confusing to notice that your French Bulldog has abnormally long legs for their size. As they grew up, you were probably expecting your Frenchie to have the traditional small head and broad chest combined with the short little legs, but instead they ended up with a height closer to their …

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My French Bulldog is Having a Breathing Attack

Watching your beloved dog as they fight for air can be a terrifying experience. If you’re not used to it, you’d probably be very concerned that they have something seriously wrong with them. If you’ve ever had a panic attack, you’ll know just what it’s like to feel as if you’re unable to breathe. This …

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What human food can French bulldogs eat? Check these 32 foods out!

Are you a Frenchie mom or dad, and you are wondering whether you can feed your dog with human food or not? While most vets would advise you to give only dog food to your French bulldog, it is hard sometimes not to share what you are eating with your pet. It’s heart-breaking to let …

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How Often Should I Bathe My French Bulldog With Allergies?

Did you know that skin allergies are one of the top reasons why a lot of dogs are taken into a vet’s clinic? Since this type of skin problem is quite common among many pets, you should educate yourself on what you can do if your pet has this issue. French bulldogs, just like any …

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Are French Bulldogs expensive to maintain?

As one of the most popular breeds in Western culture, French Bulldogs are seen as more of an upper-class breed of dog. Breeders, veterinarians, and pet accessory salesmen know this and usually have no trouble taking advantage of the fact. Frenchies might be cute and make for great companions but they are known to have …

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French Bulldog back leg problems

French bulldogs are fun to have. They are adorable, loving, and loyal to their owners. However, just like any other animal, this breed of dog also has its weaknesses. They are known to have several genetic health problems. Some illnesses may develop somewhere along the way too. And so, if you already have a Frenchie, …

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What is the average life expectancy of my French bulldog?

If you’re looking to adopt a French bulldog or already have one, finding the best way to care for her is the natural thing to do. You’ll also want to know how long you can expect to have her around and how best you can help make her life happy, healthy and as long as …

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Help! My French Bulldog Is Too Skinny!

Frenchies are adorable creatures, their little cute bodies and energetic personalities make them very entertaining. Besides fun and play, owning a Frenchie also comes with its fair share of concerns and one of the biggest is keeping the dog in top shape and maintaining a healthy weight.  As dog owners, it’s only natural to be …

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French Bulldog labor and delivery

French Bulldog’s labor and delivery Whether you’re a breeder or you simply found yourself in the situation where your beloved pet has gotten pregnant, the process of dealing with the pregnancy and figuring out what to expect can be a bit scary. Either way, if your dog is pregnant then she’s about to go through …

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French Bulldog Gas Remedies

Sure, you love your Frenchie so much that you even allow it to sit on your lap or next to you on the couch while watching a movie. But when it starts to fart, it is not funny anymore. The smell could fill up your living room and might even make you want to vomit! …

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