As the owner of a beloved dog, you want to do everything that you can to care for your pooch. However, any dog will know that sometimes problems arise that you simply would not have expected to content with! For example, has your dog ever broken out in a rash?
If so, you will appreciate the worries that this can cause. Solutions will be sought, and you might look to try some at-home remedies. A popular treatment suggested by people online is to use diaper rash cream. Should you do that, though?
Why use diaper rash cream on my dog?
There are numerous reasons why you might think about using such a treatment on your dog, and all of them are logical decisions. However, if you are the owner of a dog, you might wish to consider the products that will go on their skin. Using the wrong product on the wrong kind of dog can lead to reactions and incidents which can become damaging to their long-term health.
When using a safe and easy to use cream, though, you can find that using a diaper rash cream helps your dog:
- Find comfort from the pain and the irritation that is caused by the rash.
- Sleep and get a better level of recovery due to reduced discomfort.
- Return to normal activities that the rash might have otherwise prevented.
- Lessen the severity of the rash and help it to recover naturally.
However, you should always look to be very careful with the rash treatments that you choose to use on your dog. Typically, you can find that making the right choice will mean choosing a rash cream that comes without some active ingredients. The best rash creams are simply made up of vitamin combinations, but some contain some ingredients you should keep an eye out for.
What are the active ingredients in rash cream? Are they poisonous to dogs?
The most common active ingredient in a rash cream that you need to be worried about is zinc oxide. Many rash creams are made up with vitamin combinations and little else, but anything with zinc oxide is something to take with a level of precaution.
If you use any product on a dog that contains zinc oxide, you must:
- Use only the smallest amount – even miniscule excess can be dangerous to their health.
- Avoid repeated exposure: if the problem does not correct itself quickly, seek out a vet.
- Keep the packaging away from the dog and away from potential reach at all times.
When you are caring for your canine, try and keep this in mind as it should play a role in making sure you get your dog back to good health and condition sooner rather than later.
What are the best dog-friendly rash creams?
There are numerous rash creams that we would recommend, but it depends on where you are based and what is available to you. Typically, we recommend avoiding any cream that comes with zinc oxide included. The risks are simply too great, unless you can get express agreement from a veterinarian that your dog will be able to handle the cream.
Since you should be looking for something more all-natural, we recommend looking for products which are aimed specifically at dogs. Some diaper rash creams might be suitable, but it does come down to the individual canine.
Home remedies for dog rashes
If your dog is suffering from a rash that is not going to clear up on its own, then you can use some home remedies instead of baby rash creams. Some of these remedies should be considered before you go to a vet and looking for further support:
- Apple Cider Vinegar. This catch-all curing solution is used in many remedies, and could help to soothe the rash and the discomfort. This is a worthwhile ingredient to use; simply combine with water (around 50/50 mixture) and put it into a spray bottle. Spray on the itchy spots and watch relief kick in. However, never use on raw skin and/or on an open wound.
- Coconut Oil. Another popular choice for many dog owners is to use the healing powers of coconut oil to make your dog find peace and freedom from infection. Simply look for organic coconut oils and try mixing it in with the kibble of your dog or apply topically. As ever, though, get permission from a vet first.
- Aloe Vera. Another easy to find home remedy is to try and use some Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera is a great solution for killing off infection and healing damaged parts of the body. Apply it directly to the spots, and you should notice your dog show signs of more or less immediate relief from infection.
- Baking Soda. Normally used in cooking, this can also be great for cleansing and looking after your dog to improve its health. Either add some into its bath, or mix a 50/50 mixture of water and baking soda and then blend it into a durable, thick paste. Leave it on for around 20 minutes and you should notice the swelling and redness begin to reduce once you go to wash the paste off.
Can I use Sudocrem on my dog to cure dog rashes?
One of the most popular cream-based products on the market today is Sudocrem. This is an extremely popular choice for parents to use, especially with babies. However, we do have to make it clear that you should be very wary when using Sudocrem on a dog – it should be used in the smallest, most miniscule amounts possible.
This is because it has zinc oxide within it, which is shown to be highly toxic in some animals. It is a serious problem for a dog if it ingests the rash cream in any sizeable quantity. Using it on a small patch of infected or damaged skin is generally safe, but we would recommend going to see a medical professional first and foremost.
My dog ate a tub of diaper rash cream! Will it hurt him?
This is something that you should look to get taken care of right away. The cream itself could be quite dangerous to a dog, meaning that you should look for immediate medical support.
However, the problem that you might face is working out what particular cream your dog has eaten. Some diaper rash creams are made using vitamin treatments only. As such, they might not be a serious consider for your dog depending on how much of the cream they have ingested.
That being said, you should be especially wary of any diaper rash cream that contains zinc oxide. Zinc oxide is a potentially poisonous substance when ingested by dogs, and it could cause your dog serious problems. Your dog is likely to suffer most seriously from diaper rash cream problems if you notice them vomiting up.
This is caused by the cream has been aspirated, and this means that it has gotten into their lungs. This will often to a period of severe vomiting; as a precaution, we recommend any dog who has eaten diaper rash cream of any kind is taken to a vet for a check-up. If they have eaten a diaper rash cream with zinc oxide in it, though, you should make it a priority to take them to the vet before their condition worsens.
Aspiration pneumonia can be caused by the ingestion of a diaper rash cream. This is a serious and potentially life-threatening issue; as such, you should absolutely look to get veterinary assistance.
Can I use Lanacane, Bepanthen or Dermol 500 on my dog?
These are some of the most popular topical products out there on the market today, but you should probably seek professional understanding from a vet. There are simply too many individual issues that are related to each dog individually to recommend using either Lanacane, Bepanthen or Dermol 500 on a dog without further review.
Some dogs can handle small quantities of these products, but others will react poorly to even the smallest amount. As such, we recommend that you do not take any risks. Instead, you should seek out help from a professional who can help you to ascertain if your dog is a safe candidate for either product.
The problem often stems from the ingredients within. Some of these ingredients can cause negative reactions, irritation, or even problems internally. Therefore, do not use any of these products without consulting a veterinarian first.
Things to consider
We know that it can be tough to look after a dog. There is much to consider and no small amount of misinformation out there. Hopefully, though, you now understand the importance of taking dog rashes seriously – and what you can (and cannot) use to try and treat them.
As ever, though, you should not stop at any point in a bid to find a cure for your canine. If the problem isn’t fading, see a vet immediately.