If your dog is suffering from dry itchy and sore skin, you may be looking for an effective, safe and affordable Dog Dry Skin Treatment you can try at home.
The introduction of a small amount of vegetable oil to your pet’s diet may help to reduce skin dryness and itchiness.
The effectiveness of this treatment will depend upon the cause of the problem and how you are using the oil in your pet’s diet.
Below we will look at the best vegetable oils to use to treat your pet’s skin, the benefits of using vegetable oil in your dog’s diet, how much oil you should use and what the possible side effects of this Dog Dry Skin Treatment may be.
What are the main vegetable oils?
There are a wide variety of types of different vegetable oils with different beneficial applications.
These include Canola Oil, Corn Oil, Cottonseed Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Rapeseed Oil, Soybean Oil, Safflower Oil, and “Vegetable” oil.
Amongst these, there are some vegetable oils that are particularly helpful in combating dry skin on dogs and in humans!
The vegetable oils which are most beneficial for your dog’s skin are Olive Oil and Flax Seed Oil which can be used to moisturize, condition, and contribute to hydration of the skin.
You can use these oils to help to improve your dog’s coat and as a stool softener.
How do vegetable oils help dry skin?
Vegetable oil is helpfully made up of several active ingredients which can contribute to improving the moisture level of dry dryskin on dogs.
These include fatty acids such as Omega 3, 6, and 9 which help in maintaining hydration of the skin and improve regeneration.
Vegetable oils also contain an acid called linoleic.
This helps to create a layer of protection on the skin surface to guard against skin damage and also contribute towards moisturization.
Certain vegetable oils which feature lauric acid such as coconut oil can also work to neutralize bacteria that cause skin issues such as acne inflammation and infections.
You can feed your dog a limited amount of one of these helpful vegetable oils such as Olive Oil or Flaxseed Oil in order to improve their dry skin.
How do you use Olive Oil to Treat Your Dog’s Dry Skin?
These oils can be given to your dog orally or by rubbing into the skin directly.
Although you should check and follow directions in order to ensure you are being safe and not causing any health issues for your pet.
You can add some liquid oil to your pet’s food or buy the oil in capsule form to feed to your pet.
You can also rub a sensible amount into your dog’s skin directly as you would a moisturiser.
How much vegetable oil should I feed my dog?
The amount of vegetable oil you should feed your dog will depend upon the size of the canine, although you should always exercise moderation in order to ensure that you don’t cause problems such as diarrhoea and upset stomachs.
When putting vegetable oil in your pet’s food, you should add one teaspoon to your small dog’s dish and one tablespoon to your larger dog’s meal.
This should only be done in moderation and is not something that should be added to your dog’s diet on a daily basis.
You can add some vegetable oil to your dog’s kibble or food to make sure that they ingest it with little trouble.
You could also choose to bake some homemade dog treats which include some vegetable oil in the ingredients.
What are the main causes of dry skin in dogs?
There are a variety of causes that may be responsible for your dog’s dry skin. The most common reasons include:
Allergies – Just like us, dogs can experience allergies to certain dust, pollens, grasses, and fleas. If your dog experiences an allergic reaction to an element it can result in atopic dermatitis, a skin condition that will cause dry skin, itchiness, soreness, and redness if left untreated.
Reaction to Parasites – Dry skin on dogs may also be a reaction to parasites such as mites, lice, or scabies. These parasites may cause dryness, infections, and soreness on your animal’s skin. If you believe this to be the cause you should seek a vet’s advice for the best course of treatment.
Excessive Bathing – If you bathe your dog too often, you may be stripping its coat and skin of natural oils that work to protect and moisturize. This could result in itchy, dry, flaky skin on your pet. According to the American Kennel Club, you should be aiming to bathe your pet once a month.
Allergic reaction to food types – Some dogs may have reactions to certain grains or foods such as wheat, chicken, eggs, and milk which can cause dry, flaky skin. If you notice your dog’s skin condition changing after you have adjusted their diet or added a new food type, you should consider whether this may be the cause.
Cold Weather – The mixture of cold weather and high central heating temperatures can contribute to dry dog skin during the winter months. Air conditioning in the home can also work towards causing a dry skin condition.
What are the other main treatments for dry skin?
As well as using vegetable oil in your pet’s food, there are some other options you can try to treat dry, sore, and flaky skin on your dog. These include:
Cutting down on the number of baths – If you suspect that bathing your dog too often may be depriving its coat and skin of natural oils, you should start to decrease the frequency that you bathe your pet.
Once a month should suffice, although of course if your dog gets particularly dirty on a walk you should make sure to clean them as soon as possible.
Invest in a humidifier for your home – You can battle against cold and dry air in your home by placing one of these handy machines in the room your dog frequents the most. This will not only benefit your sssss skin during the winter months, but your own as well!
Use a Veterinary Approved Oatmeal-based shampoo – The type of shampoo you are using may also be the cause of dry skin on dogs. Make sure you don’t use soap or shampoo which is too harsh, oatmeal-based dog shampoos can be kind and moisturizing elements to introduce to your pet’s bath time.
Make adjustments to your pet’s diet – Providing your pet with high-quality food full of nutrients will work to ensure that their skin is healthy and their coat is glossy. You can consult your vet if you need help coming up with a nutrition plan.
Test your pet for allergies – Your vet should be able to help you with pinpointing any allergies your dog has through systematic testing. You will then be able to identify if you need to remove elements from your pet’s diet or your home.
How else might vegetable oil benefit a dog?
As well as helping to treat your dog’s dry skin, adding vegetable oil to their food can have other beneficial results for your pet. Vegetable oils such as olive oil and flaxseed will also contribute to a healthy shiny coat.
You can also introduce these oils into your pet’s diet if your dog is having trouble going to the bathroom, as they will work as a stool softener.
Are there any dangers with using vegetable oil with dogs?
Although vegetable oil is not toxic to dogs there can be some harmful side effects if they ingest too much of it. For example, although a moderate amount of this oil can help to serve as a stool softener, if you feed your pet too much they will suffer from diarrhea and related issues.
The fatty elements in Vegetable Oil can also contribute to weight gain in your pet if not regulated correctly and used sparingly as a treatment.
What other (non-vegetable) oils might benefit dogs and how might they benefit them?
There are a whole host of other oils you can consider introducing to your pet care routine as effective and healthy ways to improve your dog’s health and appearance. These include:
Coconut Oil – This healthy oil will help to improve the condition of dog’s dry skin, its bad breath, and has been shown in some studies to help them lose weight.
Fish Oil – This is another healthy oil to add to your dog’s diet. It contains DHA, Omega 3 and EPA which can help with an older dog’s arthritis as an anti-inflammatory and and can also contribute to improving your pet’s memory.
Krill Oil – Krill Oil is another healthy oil that has many of the benefits of Fish Oil, but with a decreased chance of high mercury levels.
Lavender Oil – This fragrant oil can help to keep your pet calm and also contributes to a shiny coat.
Aloe Vera Oil – If your pet suffers from bruise, skin irritation, or burn, applying some Aloe Vera oil can help with treatment. However, you should then cover the area in a bandage to ensure the oil is not ingested as this may make your dog feel quite ill.
Cod Liver Oil – Introducing cod liver oil to your pet’s diet can help them to maintain healthy joints and is especially important in contributing to the health of older dogs.
Summary – Can You Use Vegetable Oil to Help with A Dog’s Dry Skin?
Natural oils including vegetable oils can have a host of beneficial effects on your dog’s health when introduced into their diet and pet care routine. Vegetable oils can be very helpful in combatting your dog’s dry skin. You can introduce small amounts of oil not your pet’s diet to help to moisturize and increase the health of their skin and coat. If you have any doubts about whether this Dog Dry Skin Treatment would be helpful for your dog you should consult your vet for their advice.