Is Onion Grass Bad For Dogs?


Although there are high-quality dog foods out there, sharing the same food with their pet dogs is a common practice among dog owners.

Some may give the leftovers while others prepare more to have something for their fur companions in their home. This may be an altruistic act but may have adverse implications on a dog’s health.

In the past, dogs were strictly carnivores. However, today’s domesticated dogs are omnivores.

You can give a dog anything from vegetables, fruits, grain, and meat, and your pet will be all so happy. During parties, it is not only your friends who are ecstatic over lots of delicious food on the dining table but for sure, your dogs are as glad as well.

But while some human foods may be good for dogs, others may not.

Dog owners should now be wary of the foods that may pose danger to their dog’s health so they should screen out what to give their dogs.

Most dogs may eat all that is given to them. They are indiscriminate eaters and only quite a few human foods may be offensive to a dog’s taste.

We use herbs to spice up our food. Onions are one of the most popular spices in kitchens worldwide. But do you know that you should not include onion in a dog’s diet?

What Makes Onion Grass Harmful to Dogs?

All plants belonging to the genus Allium pose danger to dogs.

These plants include garlic, onion, shallot, spring onion, Welsh onion, chive, leek, and Chinese onion.

Note that all parts of these plants from roots to the tips of their leaves or flowers are poisonous to dogs.

This should forewarn you to prevent your dog from foraging on the onion grasses near your home.

All allium plant species contain disulfide and thiosulfate, which are compounds that can make the red blood cells of dogs unhealthy and fragile.

In worst cases, affected RBCs can rupture leading to hemolytic anemia, methemoglobinemia, and Heinz body anemia.

You can detect a dog if it has these conditions if it looks and feels tired because its organs and muscles are not supplied with sufficient oxygen and nutrients.

If these conditions are not addressed promptly and properly, the result can be death to your dear furry baby.

Do Onion Grasses Have the Same Threat to a Dog’s Health as Cultivated Onions?

Onion grass, also known as wild garlic, belongs to the genus Allium. It is considered a perennial lawn weed as it can propagate in your lawn through bulbs and seeds.

They thrive year round and may be hard to control. Onion grasses can be eaten and can be used as any other onion species as spice.

Onion grass can be ingested by a dog as it can forage anything on your lawn.

While you may have cut the weeds, dogs love digging and can eat on the bulbs. They can also ingest onion grass if you use these weeds as spice in your food.

Just like other onions, onion grasses also contain disulfide and thiosulfate which are toxic to dogs.

What Are Signs That a Dog Has Ingested Much Onion?

It may be difficult to zero in on onion poisoning in dogs from other conditions unless you suspect that your dog has ingested a large amount of onions.

Generally, a dog with onion poisoning may exhibit symptoms like weakness, lethargy, nausea, and abdominal pain.

You can know that a dog is experiencing nausea and abdominal pain if it drools a lot and hunches over.

The more noticeable signs can be bad breath, vomiting, diarrhea, red-tinged urine, increased respiratory rate, and pale gums.

If you notice that your dog is intolerant to the usual exercises you give, you may suspect of poisoning. A dog may fall into sudden collapse when the poisoning has gone through most of its body.

What Should You Do if You Suspect an Onion Poisoning of Your Dog?

There may not be much that you can do. If you see some of the symptoms, call the vet about it and drive your dog to the emergency veterinary hospital immediately. In the veterinary hospital, procedures will be done to induce vomiting and monitoring of anemia starts.

Prognosis may depend on how much onion your dog has ingested. Antidote for onion poisoning is not yet available as of today.

How Much Onion Is Considered as Dangerous to Your Dog?

Dogs may vary in their tolerance against onion poisoning. Some dogs may show signs of poisoning with only a small quantity of ingested onion.

In contrast, other dogs may need to ingest a bulk of onion before showing any signs of poisoning. Small but repeated ingestion of onions over time can also lead to onion poisoning.

Is Powder Onion Also Dangerous to Dogs?

All forms of onion are detrimental to your dog’s health.

Whether onions are raw or cooked, fresh or processed, powdered or flaked, solid or extract, they are all toxic and can all lead to onion poisoning.

As also previously stated, all parts of the onion plant contain disulfide and thiosulfate, the compounds responsible for making the red blood cells in dogs fragile.

What Are Common Human Foods That Have High Onion Content?

There’s no doubt many go crazy over fried onion rings and onion rolls. Obviously, onion is the main ingredient in these old-time favorites. While it is disheartening not to share a few of them to your drooling dog, the best way is to give your fur baby another snack to be busy with while you enjoy the fried onion rings or onion rolls.

Many dishes are also more delicious with onion and garlic. Meat and fish broths are exceptionally tasty if you put a lot of these spices. If this is the case, do not share an ounce of broth to your dog. But if you can’t resist your dog’s begging eyes, dilute the broth with more water. This will appease your dog while making the onion content at a very minimal level.

What Snacks Should You Not Share to Your Dog?

If you love munching on tortilla chips, do not do it in front of your dog. You may be tempted to give some. If you intend to share your commercially-prepared snacks to your dog, read the label to ensure that it has no onion flavoring on it. The ever-popular Nacho Cheese and Cool Ranch is rich in onion and garlic flavor, so resist giving some to your begging furry baby.

How Can You Prevent Your Dog from Eating Onion?

Foods that have onion in them are especially enticing to dogs because of their distinctive taste and aroma. A dog may forage on them once given the chance. You should know the recipes that you prepare at home wherein you use onion as spice and never share your dog with them. Store leftovers in a secure place. All onion supplements, powders, extracts, and your pots of onion plants should be kept away from the reach of your dog. It is also best to educate your family on the hazards of onions to your dog’s health.

What Should You Do With All the Onion Grasses on Your Lawn?

Onion grasses are perennial weeds that do not even die during the winter months. They easily spread once they established themselves in your lawn and are potential sources of onion ingestion of your pet dog. It may be quite difficult to remove them. When onion grasses have become widespread on your lawn, digging them one-at-a-time out from the soil may be too laborious. The use of herbicide may not also kill them all. In worst cases, a mower may have to be used and then pick up any remains of the plants. If there are lots of onion grasses outside your property, you may have to enclose your property so that your dog will not get out and forage on them.

Another easy solution is not to let your dog set foot on your lawn. But doing so will surely make a very sad furry baby.

What Are Other Human Foods That Are Bad for Dogs?

Among human foods that are potentially dangerous to dogs are chocolate, cooked bones, dairy, raisins or grapes, apple cores, salty and fatty foods, caffeine, and Macadamia nuts, among others.

When dogs consume large amounts of these human foods, the possibility of death of your pet dog can be the worst scenario.

Some dog breeds may be more prone to onion poisoning. If you have a Shiba Inu or an Akita, you may have to be extra careful with the onion content of the food that you give because these breeds are very susceptible to onion poisoning

It is truly important to educate your entire family about the food that you give to your dog. One family member who does not know about foods that should not be taken in by dogs can destroy every precaution that you have undertaken. And always bear in mind that not being very generous to your dog when it comes to food is not about being inconsiderate and tough on your dog, but it can be an excellent way to ensure its well-being.

Final Thoughts

Onion grass and any form of onion for that matter is NOT good for dogs. Therefore, you should avoid these items when preparing your pet’s food. You should also be aware when letting your furry baby play in your lawn, especially if you have onion grasses growing around. 

James Grayston

My name is James and I love dogs. have owned four Golden Retrievers in the past 15 years. Currently I own two "Goldies"- a five year old and a seven month old. The photo shows me with our youngest when she was about 7 weeks old!