What Are The Side Effects Of A Dog Drinking Yakult?

Are there any side effects of a dog drinking Yakult? ¹

Yakult is a Japanese probiotic drink similar to yogurt.

It’s filled with goodies that make human intestines do what they’re supposed to.

So, since it’s good for humans, it must be suitable for our fur kids, right?

Well, kind of. Mostly, in any case, unless it makes your pup ill. Confused?

Don’t worry. We’ll clarify.

There are benefits to feeding your pooch Yakult, but there are also some downsides.

That’s why we wrote this article in conjunction with our previous one on the benefits of feeding your dog Yakult.

Read on to find out more.

Can My Dog Develop Obesity from Drinking Yakult?

Yakult contains a lot of sugar since that’s the thing the probiotic bacteria feed on to stay alive. Then, there’s the milk, which is also naturally high in sugar. Yakult contains 18% sugar by weight, which amounts to 10g per 80mL bottle. So, if you feed your fur kid a lot of Yakult, he’ll gain a lot of weight, putting him at risk of developing obesity. That’s not great since obesity brings nasty side effects with it. These include hypertension, strain on ligaments and muscles, and heart disease, to name a few. So, limit his intake if you’re feeding your pup Yakult, and it seems to work well with his overall health. The smaller your dog, the smaller his daily or weekly portion of Yakult should be.

Does Yakult Decrease My Dog’s Appetite?

Since Yakult is so nutrient-rich, it’s likely to make your dog feel full. That means that he won’t want his regular diet after the helping of Yakult. Sometimes, this is fine since he’s not going hungry, right? Remember that Yakult doesn’t contain all the nutrients your pup needs to thrive, so he can’t live off just that. I mean, it’s basically sugar and calcium. He needs his regular diet with protein, and other goodies dogs need to remain healthy and happy. So, if you notice that your pup doesn’t want his regular food after introducing Yakult to his diet, decrease the portions you give him. Also, pay attention to your timing. If you’re feeding your fur kid Yakult just before mealtime, he won’t want his food. That’s like stuffing a kid with candy before offering him broccoli. Instead, offer him Yakult after a meal or spaced far enough from meals to not interfere with his usual appetite.

Could Yakult Cause Vomiting and Diarrhoea for My Dog?

Suppose your fur kid is severely lactose intolerant or sensitive to any of the other ingredients in Yakult. In that case, he’ll feel pretty miserable after a helping of the stuff. If you notice any signs of vomiting, diarrhea, or any other allergic reaction after feeding your dog Yakult, stop using it.

Due to the way it’s processed, Yakult doesn’t contain much lactose, even though it’s made from milk. This means that it’s generally considered safe for people suffering from lactose intolerance. Some lactose-sensitive dogs can have Yakult without suffering any side effects. Still, there are so many exceptions to the rule. Some fur kids are simply more sensitive than others and can thus suffer pretty insane side effects from the tiniest trace of lactose in their food. This allergic reaction gets more severe the smaller your fur kid is since smaller bodies react more quickly to “intruders” than others.

Does Yakult Cause Flatulence in Dogs?

Suppose your dog’s body doesn’t agree with the probiotics in Yakult. In that case, he could suffer from flatulence and abdominal pain. His intestines will produce too much gas while fighting this “intruder.”

Does Yakult Cause Constipation in Dogs?

When starting a dog on a new probiotic or any new food, he could suffer from constipation. This is usually short-lived, and blows over as soon as his tummy gets used to the new goodies you’re feeding him. Sometimes, these symptoms worsen before they start easing off, so hang in there. If your pup shows any sudden or severe signs of discomfort or illness after feeding him Yakult for the first time, maybe lay off the stuff for a while. You could also contact your vet for guidelines – they know what to do.

Can Human Probiotics Kill My Dog?

Human probiotics are generally safe for dogs. Some dogs are sensitive to their ingredients and suffer some side effects, but severe reactions seem to be rare. Probiotics meant for humans don’t contain all the goodies your fur kid needs to thrive. So, feeding him human probiotics might solve some issues, like constipation, but it won’t give him everything he needs. Chat to your vet for a solution covering most aspects of your fur kid’s health. They’ll recommend a product specifically formulated for dogs that could help your fur kid live his best life.

How Much Yakult Can I Feed My Dog?

So, if your dog doesn’t show any adverse reaction to Yakult, it’s probably safe for him to eat, and he’ll benefit from the goodies in there. But, how much should you give him? It’s hard to find concrete guidelines on Yakult for dogs since the product is meant for humans, and there isn’t a lot of research on the topic. Here’s a guideline for feeding dogs probiotic foods in general:

  • Small dogs: 1 teaspoon daily
  • Medium-sized dogs: 2 teaspoons daily
  • Large and giant-breed dogs: 3 teaspoons daily

As you can see, this isn’t a lot. Feeding your fur kid an entire container of Yakult in one go isn’t a great idea since it contains way too much sugar for his health.

How do I Feed Yakult to My Dog?

Some dogs like the taste of Yakult and will gobble it up from a dish like there’s no tomorrow. However, some don’t like it since it’s new and possibly a bit strange to their taste buds. If that’s your fur kid, mix it with his food. Since you’re only giving him a tiny bit, in any case, he probably won’t even notice it.

Can I Feed Yakult to My Pregnant Dog?

As long as your doggy mommy isn’t lactose intolerant or allergic to any of the ingredients in Yakult, it’s safe to add Yakult to her diet. Do this two weeks before and two weeks after giving birth. This will help her gut stabilize and decrease the odds of that pesky first-week diarrhea. Yakult can also help ease gut infections. These infections can be transmitted to the newborn puppies through the mom’s milk, making them pretty ill at times. So, if used correctly, Yakult can help keep your newborn pups safe and healthy.

If your mommy fur kid isn’t used to Yakult, or you’ve never given her this, it’s probably a good idea to go for something your vet recommends. You don’t want her to have any potential side effects while on the verge of giving birth or caring for new pups.

Is Yakult Safe For Cats?

All this talk about Yakult and dogs could have you wondering, can I feed Yakult to my cat? Surely, his body could use some probiotics as well?

If your cat isn’t lactose intolerant, diabetic, or suffering from obesity, then, yes, Yakult is safe for your feline friend. Bear in mind that the sugar levels in Yakult are still high, so don’t give your cat too much of the stuff.

Cats do well with Bifidobacterium (the stuff in yogurt) and Enterococcus, present in most probiotics specifically made for cats. Overall, it’s better to give your pets products meant for them instead of offering them human products. Their bodies are made different from ours, so they have specific needs that products meant for humans can’t meet. Also, products meant for humans often have unintended adverse side effects for our pets. While these are generally mild, it’s best to research before taking the plunge.

James Grayston

My name is James and I love dogs. have owned four Golden Retrievers in the past 15 years. Currently I own two "Goldies"- a five year old and a seven month old. The photo shows me with our youngest when she was about 7 weeks old!