Why Has My Dog Suddenly Got Bad Gas, Vomiting and Diarrhea?


So, Rover suddenly has an upset tummy. His tummy decided to cook up a mixture of noxious gases that would put the most potent fart bomb to shame. Poor thing has the runs too, and it looks like he’s about to throw up.

That doesn’t sound good. What should you do? Should you treat him at home or rush to the vet? What could’ve caused this? Did he dive into the dumpster buffet again, or is it something more serious? Let’s figure this out together.

Why Would My Dog Suddenly Get Diarrhea?

Our fur kids sometimes have weird likes and dislikes. One of those weird doggy habits is eating things they shouldn’t. I mean, really? Why do they see the trash can as a gourmet buffet when you have perfectly healthy and probably hellishly expensive dog food in the kitchen?

Dietary Indiscretion

Turns out that winning the neighborhood lottery in trash can diving is a common cause for sudden upset tummies in dogs. These fur kids just love eating things they shouldn’t – the vet calls this dietary indiscretion. The stuff in there isn’t meant for human or canine consumption. It could do a real number on their digestive systems. It’s one of the most common causes of upset tummies in dogs. Depending on what your pup ate, it could blow over quickly or result in an emergency trip to the vet with long-term consequences.

Here, your pup could suffer from a mixture of flatulence and diarrhea. Poor thing.

Dietary Changes

Another leading cause of upset doggy tummies is sudden changes in diet. So if you switch your pup to a new kind of food too quickly, his tummy might take a hit. It would make him gassy or give him the runs, or both. It’s okay, we’ve all been through it at some point, and he’ll probably settle down soon. It’s better to change foods gradually, though, to give his tummy some time to get used to the new stuff.


Then, there’s stress, like when you’re traveling with your pup, moving house, or going through any other sudden changes that affect your pup. Our fur kids experience stress just like we do, and they don’t always understand what’s going on.

Severe Illness

Lastly, there’s the potentially bad news: upset tummies could indicate something more sinister afoot, like allergies, infections, intestinal diseases, and other serious illnesses. If you’re unsure what’s going on or your pup’s tummy doesn’t get better, it’s best to head to the vet.

How To Treat Diarrhea in Dogs?

So, Rover found that one tiny hole in the fence he could wiggle himself through, and he went for a solo walk. On the way, he did a taste test on the neighborhood trash cans, and now he’s in bad shape. TheThe poor thing is vomiting, farting, and having a runny tummy, and naturally, you’re worried.

The first step is giving your pup’s body time to clear out the gunk. Here, you would withhold food from him for twelve hours. That’s everything he can eat, including treats, bones, and whatever else he pleads for. I know it’s hard, but his body needs the break so it can flush out all the nasties. You might want to put down some newspapers or potty pads during this time, so your pup doesn’t mess on the floor so much. It’s an absolute beast cleaning up after your ill fur kid.

Give your pup some bland food that’s easily digestible once those twelve hours are done. You don’t want to shock his system now. Instead, help things along by being gentle on his tummy. Opt for plain cooked chicken and rice, and serve it in small portions. Don’t let him gulp down a gigantic helping all at once. Instead, feed him more regularly, like every three to four hours.

This approach helps your fur kid’s body return to normal and the body’s healing mechanisms to do their job.

Once your pup’s tummy is back to normal, you can wean him back onto his regular food. Do this slowly, so that his tummy doesn’t get a big shock and he goes back to step one. Once he’s fully back to his regular diet, you can reintroduce treats too, but slowly. Give his body time to readjust to normal life.

In some cases, the vet could prescribe antidiarrheal agents or probiotics. This would decrease inflammation in your pup’s intestines, which could partially be to blame for his upset tummy. Before feeding your pup any of these things, check with the vet. These things vary based on the dog breed, how ill your pup is, and many other factors, so let the vet figure out what needs to be done.

Diarrhea and vomiting in dogs could lead to dehydration since your pup’s body isn’t absorbing the nutrients he needs like it usually would. So, while you’re treating his tummy, give him plenty of fluids. Water is essential, and it’s a good idea to add some electrolyte solution to this as needed. It will keep your fur kid hydrated through this ordeal, giving him the best chance of quick recovery.

When Should I Be Concerned About My Dog’s Diarrhea?

Usually, treating your pup’s upset tummy at home would be sufficient, and he’ll be back to normal within a day. If you followed the advice laid out in the previous section, and your pup isn’t getting any better, it’s best to get to the vet. It could mean that your pup has something more serious than an upset tummy going on. A good rule of thumb is that your pup should show some improvement within 24 hours and that he should be markedly better within two to four days. If this isn’t the case, call the vet.

If your fur kid strains to pass bowel movements, or if he only gets a tiny bit of watery poop out, there might be something blocking his intestines. He might’ve swallowed something like a toy that blocked his bowel. Poor pup. If this is the case, he’d best get to the vet ASAP.

If your pup ate something poisonous, toxic, or otherwise dangerous, he would probably show more symptoms than just an upset tummy. If you notice anything more sinister, take him to the vet immediately. These include convulsions, blood in his stool, vomit or urine, or anything else that rings the alarm bells. The vet will give him a thorough once-over and figure out what to do next. You never know what your pup might find in his dumpster diving excursions. Remember that early detection is usually the key to successful recovery, so call the vet if you have the slightest doubts about what to do. Rather safe than sorry, right?

Will My Dog Recover From Diarrhea?

How your dog recovers from diarrhea depend on the severity of the situation. If it was a mild case, your Fido would probably recover wholly and quickly. If it’s a severe case, or if your pup ate something that caused secondary complications, recovery will probably take longer. Your fur kid may need prolonged dietary management or chronic medication in some cases.

Why Does My Dog Suddenly Vomit?

Vomit is super gross, but dogs do it quite a lot. Sometimes, it’s nothing to worry about, but it could indicate something severe at other times.

To understand what’s happening with your pup, we first have to differentiate between vomiting and regurgitation. Yup, there are different forms of upchuck. Yuck.

Regurgitation is when your pup brings up undigested food, saliva, and water. This stuff usually comes from his esophagus (the bit of his throat leading to the stomach), and it happens without any effort on his part. By this, we mean that there’s no muscle contraction and usually very little or no warning that it’s about to happen.

Then, there’s vomiting. This is a terrible business, where your pup’s muscles contract, and he’ll likely retch as well. There’s usually some warning, like drooling, whining, pacing, and gurgling noises from Rover’s tummy. In short, there’s a lot of effort involved, and he’ll probably be feeling pretty bad at that stage. Poor pup.

Here, he’d bring up stuff from the stomach or small intestine. You’ll notice food that’s partially digested, or in some cases, undigested. If it’s from the stomach, there will be clear fluid. Otherwise, there will be bile (yellow or green fluid) if it’s from the small intestine.

Causes for sudden vomiting are much the same as for diarrhea: Rover ate something he shouldn’t have, or he’s stressed. He could also suffer from motion sickness, so if you’re taking him for a car ride, keep a close eye for signs of nausea. It could indicate something more sinister, like parasites or severe illness, as with diarrhea.

Regurgitation is a bit different and usually far less severe. Your fur kid could be gulping his food down too quickly or overeating. He could also be anxious or over-excited – we humans have that in common with our fur kids, don’t we? Some dog breeds are also more prone to regurgitation than others. These include German Shepherds, Sharpais, and Great Danes.

When Should I Worry About My Dog Vomiting?

Dogs vomiting is not unusual, and it’s typically nothing to worry about. If he’s only vomiting, and it’s over quickly, I wouldn’t write home about it. If you see other symptoms with it, you should call the vet. These include diarrhea or lethargy, signs of blood, or any other unusual behavior. If the vomiting doesn’t stop, you should also rush to the vet ASAP.

James Grayston

My name is James and I love dogs. have owned four Golden Retrievers in the past 15 years. Currently I own two "Goldies"- a five year old and a seven month old. The photo shows me with our youngest when she was about 7 weeks old!