Are Strawberry Leaves Poisonous to Dogs?


Ah, strawberries, a refreshing delight in the summer heat. The best place to savor them?

You guessed it, the local park, with your furry companion (of course).

Just imagine the sun radiating with just the right amount of warmth, a slight cool breeze, and fresh strawberries to chill with, just perfect.

Now, strawberries are indeed safe for humans and dogs. Still, there are a few things about strawberries, the leaves specifically, that you should know about.

So, before giving your pal a bite or two of this tasty refreshment, here are a few heads-up that you and your pal should know about. 

Can dogs eat strawberry leaves?

Most of us often take the leaves off and get right to the best part, the fruit itself (obviously). But as a matter of fact, the leaves are actually edible! Wait, hang on, really? Yup, you heard that right! 

So does that mean we can feed them to our dogs as well(*screams in excitement*)? In short, yes. But like all things, it has its benefits and drawbacks for you to consider before choosing to feed these leaves or not (which we have listed down for you, and you’re welcome btw). 


  • Goodbye inflammation. Strawberry leaves are anti-inflammatory in nature with the presence of caffeic acid. On top of relieving inflammations, they also reduce joint and arthritis pain (what a bonus, right?)
  • Packed with vitamins and minerals. These leaves (no pun intended) your pal packed with vitamin C, calcium, and iron. Keeping them as healthy as they’ll ever be!
  • Antioxidants abundance. Antioxidants promote health and body functionality by protecting cells from harmful substances such as free radicals

Drawbacks to Consider

  • High Tannin content. If your pal accidentally took one too many leaves, it may wage war in your pal’s stomach. Tannin may cause other symptoms such as diarrhea, appetite loss, vomiting, and more
  • Possible allergic reaction. Though not all dogs are allergic to strawberries, you might need to check if your pal has any when they ingest them  (avoid them if your pup is allergic to them). 

With that being said, it is always best to carefully consider the ups and downs of feeding your pal strawberry leaves.

Every dog is different, which means their bodies can react differently after ingestion. So, remember, when in doubt, always seek professional consultation from your local vet for what’s best for your dog’s health and well-being. 

How should I prepare strawberry leaves for my dog?

One of the best ways to serve your dog an exquisite delight is by mincing and mixing strawberry leaves into your pal’s meals. If you happen to be a home-dog-chef, incorporating strawberry leaves into baked cookies should add to your menu nicely! 

However, serving your pal raw strawberry leaves may not be the best kind for a dog treat (even though it may actually be refreshing). Though strawberry leaves are indeed safe (in small amounts, that is), feeding them leaves may cause a tummy ache as these leaves may be difficult to digest. 

To sum it all up, teeny tiny amounts should be fine, as long as you’ve identified if your pal is allergic or not upon ingesting them. If you are still unsure, the vet will always have your back to give you advice and even meal suggestions to safely incorporate into their beloved diet plan. 

Can dogs eat strawberry stems and strawberry seeds?

Making our way down from the leaves is the stem and seeds.

Seeds shouldn’t be much of a concern, but the stem, however, is something you and your pal might want to stay away from.

Strawberries are not toxic but eating their stems may cause gastrointestinal obstruction (not pleasant), as our pals may not be able to digest it as easily as we, humans, do.

As long as you chop off the stem, just to be safe, and have your strawberries taken in considerable portions, rest assured, strawberries are a-okay to share and enjoy!

How nutritious are strawberries?

Apart from the mouth-watering blend of sourness and sweetness it has, strawberries are undoubtedly health-beneficial for both dogs and humans!

First off, it’s low in carbs, making it a perfect snack or treat for your furry friend to get that summer look ready! 

Another is the fact that it contains essential vitamins and minerals to promote a healthy and fully functional body. Strawberries are Jeff-Bezos-rich in Vitamin C (for immunity and skin health), Vitamin B9 (for tissue growth), Potassium (regulates blood pressure), and Manganese (for a lot of bodily functions).  

For more details on nutritional value and content specifics, we’ve got nutritional tables and charts set up for you to check out!

Toxic fruit leaves that dogs shouldn’t eat

While strawberry leaves are deemed non-toxic to dogs, there lurks a dangerous duo you should keep out of paws’ reach; cherry and tomato leaves. Why and how? We got you. 

Cherries, in general, should not be fed to your pal due to their cyanide content in the leaves, pits, and stems. Cyanide is poisonous in nature and could threaten a dog’s life when overeaten. 

Tomatoes is also another foe your furry pal should skedaddle away from as far away as possible. Tomato leaves contain Solanine.

If dogs had a large gulp of them, it might lead to gastrointestinal distress, lethargy, and weakness.

However, if your pal accidentally ingested a small number of tomato leaves, it usually won’t cause toxicity in their bodies.

But to play it safe, please vow to avoid giving tomatoes to your furry pal, for their cuteness’ sake, will you? 

These aren’t the only fruit/vegetable leaves your pal should avoid, so we found you a complete guiding list of which fruits and veggies are safe for your furry friend to savor and enjoy. 

How many strawberries should I feed my dog?

Portions would vary, depending on the size of your furry pal here. For a small dog, one medium-sized strawberry; for medium-sized dogs, one to three medium-sized strawberries; and for large dogs, three to four medium-sized strawberries should do the trick! 

It is vital that you cut those fresh delights into smaller pieces and remove the stem and leaves, to ease your pal’s digestion process and, of course, to keep them safe from harm’s way. 

Are vegetable leaves good for dogs?

Though vegetables may not be a go-to meal for both humans and furry pals, leafy greens, specifically, are very good for our health! The safest bet to know which veggies are safe and which ones aren’t is to feed your dog what you would eat. Some common examples include lettuce, spinach (for Popeye’s strength), and more!

Why? These greens pack a punch of vitamins (A, C, and K), minerals (calcium, iron, and potassium), and of course, fiber! Now, due to some veggies’ high fiber content, it is wise to ease them into your dog’s diet to prevent tummy aches or digestion traffic jams. 

You might wonder, what are the best greens for my furry compadre here? As always, we got you covered! Here is a shortlist of the top veggies for dogs (and yes, you can have them as well): 

  • Spinach. Filled with vitamins and minerals that fight off inflammation, cardiovascular issues, and even cancer. On top of that, spinach boosts immunity and maintains heart health (to love greater). 
  • Broccoli. A great source of fiber, calcium, and vitamins (A and C). Whether it be uncooked, baked, or boiled, broccoli is definitely a green light for dogs to wolf down on. For pups, though, steaming broccoli and leaving them to cool for a bit before serving can help ease their developing digesting process. 
  • Cucumber. One of the most refreshing and crunchiest veggies to ever grow on the face of the earth! Cucumbers are packed with electrolytes, vitamins (K, C, and B1), and best of all, they have zero carbs! 
  • And more!

Just like learning to ride a bike, it does take some getting used to, but over time (trust us when we tell you), your pup will definitely love it (at least eventually)!

Pro tip: Eat greens alongside them for moral support and strength (we know veggies are hard to enjoy, but you’ll both get there!) 

Closing thoughts

Hands down, strawberries may very well be one of the best snacks out there. And is there really any better way to enjoy them alongside your furry bestie? We don’t think so (Unless they constantly steal some from you)!

All jokes aside, as delicious as strawberries can be, always be mindful of how much your dog is consuming as well as how you serve them.

Though strawberry leaves are fine in small quantities, your safest bet is to either in small bits or, better yet, to avoid serving any of strawberry leaves at all.

No matter how grumpy our dogs can get, it’s always for what’s best for them to live a long, tail-wagging, and happy life.