My French Bulldog has aggression and is biting

French Bulldogs have seen a huge surge in popularity in recent years and for good reason. They’re sweet, fun, smart, and they make for great companion dogs. As sweet as they are though, they can sometimes be a bit of a handful to manage if they aren’t taken care of properly and these problems include …

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Why Do French Bulldogs Rub Themselves?

Understanding Frenchies: Why do they rub and how do they clean? No, not the country folk but rather the adorable, clown-faced squeakers known as French Bulldogs. French Bulldogs are adored worldwide for a variety of reasons, some being their small stature; squished faces; bat-like ears and energized personalities. Known for their vocal nature and attention-seeking …

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How Often Do French Bulldogs Go Into Heat?

A black and tan french bulldog laying on the floor

The word “Heat” or “Season” will be familiar to you, if you have an adorable female Frenchie. In this post, I kind of want to provide a quick crash course about French Bulldogs and the heat cycle. It could be that you are a new owner of a female Frenchie puppy and you are thinking …

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How To Fatten Up An Old Dog

How to fatten up an old dog If you’ve noticed that your aging dog has been losing weight, it’s perfectly understandable that you’d be worried. What weight is healthy? What is normal? How can you help to keep them happy? Don’t stress, you’re not alone! Whatever your dog is going through is probably manageable and …

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Why Do French Bulldogs Scream? And Make Other Weird Noises…

Whether you love them for their faces or their farts, French bulldogs are one of the weirdest and most wonderful breeds out there. This article will cover why they squeal; how to train them; what their sounds mean and more. We hope to offer you an insightful view into your French bulldogs breathing and why …

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Why Is My French Bulldog Acting So Aggressively?

Frenchies are cute little companion dogs, they are a very energetic dog breed and will keep you entertained all day. French bulldogs love being doted on and it’s not unusual for them to demand attention and they sure do get it!  These affectionate little dog breed have a very entertaining personality and you can’t help …

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Why Has My French Bulldog Got Lumps Under Its Fur?

“French Bulldogs often have very sweet and loving personalities and make great companions,” says Stacey Wylie, DVM, DACVIM, a member of the internal medicine team at NorthStar VETS in Robbinsville, New Jersey. No arguments about it, Frenchies are the cutest things to ever walk this earth. Renowned for their easy-going nature, keen intelligence and giant, …

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