Can Dogs Eat Adobe Seasoning?


Can dogs eat adobo seasoning? While it’s no mistake that dogs will eat just about anything you give them, many “human foods” are harmful to dogs.

But do not fear, there are many dog-friendly treats.

Ever thought about adding adobo seasoning to your dog’s foods? Adobo seasoning has been around for centuries; it has a rich history of making everything taste good.

There’s no mistake that adobo seasoning is packed with rich minerals, vitamins, and fibers. Your dog may benefit from the ingredients in adobo seasoning.

By simply adding seasoning to your dog’s food at lunchtime or dinner time, who knows, they will become less of a picky eater. 

The origin and meaning behind the word Adobo:

Adobo seasoning has graced the cabinets of many American homes.

It is indeed a stable piece on lazy-susan.

Although Adobo has taken its place respectfully, next to salt and pepper, the classic, all-purpose seasoning has always been used to marinate meats or add finishing touches to any meal.

There are many different ways to make adobo seasoning, but the most popular ingredients today are salt, turmeric, garlic powder, oregano, onion powder, black pepper, cumin, and bay leaves.

It seems that adobo seasoning has always been around. Let us look at the origins!

 The first thought that comes to your mind; when you hear the word Adobo?

You think that it’s a Spanish word that stems from Spanish culture, right?

Well, it’s somewhat true. The term “adobo” derives from the Spanish word adobe, which means to marinate or pickling sauce.

The ingredients for Adobo are originally found in the Philippines.

During the post-colonial era, the word adobo was used by Spanish explorers to describe the method of preserving raw meat.

The climate in the Philippines is highly humid and hot, with abrupt rain showers. Therefore, the meat will expire rapidly, especially in humid and hot weather.

The Indigenous people needed something to make their food last longer. So they used vinegar and salt to preserve the meat.

In the Philippines, there is a popular dish called Adobo. It contains meat and marinating sauce; the ingredients are paprika, oregano, salt, garlic, vinegar.

Many dishes have come from this marinating method that stretches from Asia to Central America. 

What ingredients are found in Adobo seasoning:

Even though dogs have a variety of different types of food and snacks to choose from, you too can still add a little bit more spice to your pet’s life.

You would be surprised by the healthy benefits your dog will receive just from making their food more flavorful.

Many of the ingredients in adobo seasoning are natural and healthy.

Let’s break down each component to see if they are beneficial or harmful.

Ingredients in Adobo that will improve your dog’s health: 

  • Turmeric arthritis pain, anti-inflammatory, gut health, prevents blood clots, improves brain function, and helps to strengthen the immune system.
  • Oregon has antifungal properties that can help dogs. Oregon oil can help improve open wounds on dogs.  
  • Dried Thyme is excellent for dogs; it can improve your dog’s digestive tract, help irritable bowel, and helps to expel any parasites such as hookworms. 

Ingredients that are not so great for dogs health: 

  • Onion Powder and onion plants 15-30 grams of onion powder are toxic to dogs.
  • Garlic is very harmful to dogs and can cause an array of health problems.
  • Cumin is safe for dogs. The amount that would be safe for dogs to eat would be useless because they would not get the health benefits.
  • Salt is not the best for dogs, especially dogs with pre-existing health conditions such as kidney, liver, and heart disease. These illnesses require a low sodium intake of sodium. Also, dogs that ingest raw salt will get mouth sores and a disruptive digestive system.
  • Black Pepper is harmful to dogs; it can upset their stomach. However, dogs can eat it in small amounts. 

Additional herbs that are beneficial to dogs:

  • Coriander is anti-parestic,  anti-diarrhea, relieves nausea, and relieves intestinal gas.
  • Cinnamon fights against heart disease, anti-inflammatory, helps  control blood sugar, and has  anti-cancer properties
  • Peppermint reduce irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), help the diarrhea, intestinal issues, and calms an upset stomach

  What is the best way of making a picky eater eat?

There are various foods out there for dogs that have different textures, favors, and kibble sizes.

Dogs are content with eating the same food for the rest of their lives, and by introducing them to new types of foods, you’re contributing to them being picky eaters.

So I say, find the best all-natural food brand that has all the vitamins and minerals needed to make your dog healthier each day; if you like, you can sprinkle homemade seasoning over their food to make it even delectable. But stick to one food brand, and they will be less of a picky eater. 

We all know dogs have extremely sensitive noses but have you ever wondered if dogs can taste spicy, hot, or flavored foods?

Dogs have 1,700 taste buds on their tongues; if you do not understand the anatomy of a dog’s tongue, that may seem like a large number.

On the other hand, humans have 9,000 taste buds on their tongues.

The more taste buds a person or animal has the more sensitivity.

Due to the low number of taste buds on a dog, they have less sensitivity. Reluctantly, dogs may be able to taste certain types of food.

The spiciness is not a taste: but a reaction to the heat of the spice. Dogs do not taste spiciness, but they can be affected by heat.

Spicy foods can be very toxic for dogs and can cause issues with the gastrointestinal tract.

Other symptoms that stem from eating spicy foods are diarrhea, stomach pain, gas, and excessive thirst if a dog consumes a large amount of hot food. 

For example, you let your dog lick jalapeno.

The dog would react by licking its face a thousand times and then backing away from the jalapeno.

Dogs do not like spicy foods because it causes discomfort (much like humans who are not accustomed to spicy foods): it is simply toxic to them. 

Oddly enough, dogs crave sweet foods just as much as humans.

A dog’s taste preference is just like how humans prefer certain foods over others. Some dogs prefer different types of taste over other dogs.

Some dogs prefer meaty snacks and some dogs enjoy eating sweet snacks. It depends on the dog. In addition, dogs do not like salt that much because they get a lot of sodium from meat.

They have a receptor for sour and bitter-tasting foods and certain types of meat-related chemicals.

 What are the primary ingredients in homemade dog-friendly seasoning?

It may seem like a great idea to give your dog adobo seasoning; it’s probably not the best idea.

There are also many different types of herbs that are highly beneficial to your dog’s diet.

Create a dog-friendly adobo seasoning for your canine friend by using some of the natural herbs listed above.

However, it does not harm your dog due to the low quantities of harmful ingredients. But, why take that risk when there are healthier and even cheaper alternatives.

Instead of adding seasoning to your dog’s food, try making homemade dog-friendly seasoning, a lot more beneficial than adobo seasoning.

Just gather fresh herbs such as rosemary, basil, dill, dry parsley, and oregano; two teaspoons of each natural herb previously mentioned, crush it all up, and mix it all.

Then, sprinkle the seasoning over your dog’s food every day. By doing this each day, you’re adding an extra barrier of protection to your dog’s overall health and making his or her food taste even better.

In conclusion, adobo seasoning has a rich and long history. It’s the to-go-to seasoning for everything.

Adobo seasoning is a household name because its universal taste makes any dish nutritious and tasty.

If humans can love adobo seasoning, maybe dogs can too.

Could a dog love Adobo too? 

The honest answer is a dog’s taste buds are not that important.

They can barely taste anything, so they rely heavily on their sense of smell.

Dogs are more into texture, crunchiness, and wetness than anything else.

Dogs are creatures of habit and completely happy with eating the same food for the rest of their lives.

A dog’s nose acts as the sensor of curiosity to determine if they even like the food or not.

So can dogs eat Adobo?

Yes. But, it’s best to make natural homemade dog-friendly seasoning or buy it, rather than giving them adobo seasoning, which contains small amounts of harmful ingredients like garlic, salt, and so on. 

There are just some ingredients in adobo seasoning that may be harmful even though it’s a meager amount. Dog-friendly herbs will have double the amount of health benefits and are 100% all-natural.

Remember, every dog is different, and every dog has a preference. Figure it out and stick to it!