I’m quite interested in the variety of ways that baking soda can be used with our dogs.
I have written articles about whether baking soda can be sprinkled on dogs, what to do if your dog ingests too much of it and whether it can be used to cure your dog’s bad breath.
But in this article, my focus is all about upset stomachs.
Clearing up after one is perhaps one of the worst aspects of dog ownership!
But, does baking soda have a role to play in curing an upset stomach in our dog?
Let’s get straight to the point.
[1] Baking soda
Baking soda is an excellent natural remedy for your dog’s upset stomach.
The wonderful thing about it is that most of us have a pot of it lying around somewhere in our homes.
If you haven’t, it is dirt cheap to buy.
It is a very flexible substance that can be used in a number of ways with your dog or just in your life generally!
How does it work?
Baking soda is an alkaline substance and upset stomachs are very often caused by a buildup of acids in stomachs.
Ingesting a small amount of diluted baking soda will neutralise the excess acid in the stomach and calm things down.
How should it be served?
Dilute 1 teaspoon of baking soda with ½ cup of water
Potential dangers
Baking soda in large quantities is very dangerous to dogs and so don’t leave the container lying around.
Only use it if your dog has an upset stomach.
Never use it if your dog has bloat because that could kill your dog
[2] Fasting
By this I mean not feeding your dog anything other than water.
This is a tough one to do because most dogs love their food no matter what.
Are you strong enough to resist that “mournful look”?!
How does it work?
Fasting works by letting the body sort itself out. If your dog is only drinking water it allows the digestion system time to recover.
How should it be served?
Only do it for 24 hours at the most.
Potential dangers
The biggest danger is that during this period your dog also isn’t drinking any water.
Dehydration is a real risk and the consequences are life threatening.
If this happens to you, phone your vet immediately.
[3] Water/ Ice
Diarrhea will naturally cause dehydration in a dog because they will lose so much water with all the “sloppy poo”.
If your dog is unwilling to drink water from it’s bowl then there are a few tricks that you can use.
We have already spoken about adding baking soda into it.
Also, see if they will eat ice cubes or crushed ice: it might make the water move appealing..
As a last resort consider injecting water straight into your dog’s mouth via a syringe.
[4] Marrow bone broth
This broth is made by simmering marrow bones for hours in a mixture of water and apple cider vinegar.
It is packed full of essential vitamins and minerals.
How does it work?
It is thought that the amino acids in the broth help to ease the digestive system and that the gelatin can help to heal a leaky gut.
How should it be served?
Use it in moderation, letting your dog drink a ½ cup at a time. It can also be frozen and given to your dog as an ice cube.
Potential dangers
Only give it to your dog in small amounts every couple of hours so that your dog’s system isn’t overwhelmed.
You can also dilute it with more water.
[5] Grass
Grass is your dog’s #1 choice for trying to sort out an upset stomach or so some dog lovers say.
But the jury is out on the true reason that dogs eat grass.
Of the few studies that have been done, only 10% of dogs that eat grass show any signs of illness beforehand and less than 25% of dogs vomit after eating it.
How does it work?
It is thought that dogs eat grass because it is a great source of fibre which helps their digestion.
How should it be served?
Have you tried stopping your dog when they are hell bent on munching on it?!
Potential dangers
There is a slight risk that some grass might have fertilisers or pesticides on it or that in eating grass a dog might accidentally eat a snail or slug which might be a carrier of certain types of worms.
[6] Sweet Potato or Pumpkin
Apart from baking soda, this is my “go to” remedy for upset stomachs.
I have used it for years with my dogs.
I think I started using it after one of my dogs had a bad reaction to boiled rice.
It is guaranteed to cure an upset stomach in 24 hours or less.
A side effect is that for a day after feeding one of my dogs a serving of sweet potato, their poop is orange!
How does it work?
It can help diarrhea because it contains gentle, soluble fibres which promote good bacteria in the stomach.
They also contain electrolytes which are desperately needed when a dog loses so many when they have a dodgy tummy.
How should it be served?
I don’t peel the potato. I cut it into small chunks (about 1- 2cm) and then steam it for 10 minutes.
After a dose of diarrhea, my dogs will normally get a serving of sweet potato (and nothing else) and from then on I add a handful of them to my dogs raw food until they are 100%.
Potential dangers
None that I know of.
[7] Boiled white rice
Boiled white rice must be the most well known food solution for your dog’s upset stomach, regardless of your age.
I could ask my mother in law or my step daughter for a cure for dog diarrhea and both of them would mention boiled rice.
How does it work?
Rice water is a powerful way to stop diarrhea.
It has a very high water content and hardly any fiber, which makes it very gentle on a dog’s stomach.
How should it be served?
Boil the rice for 15 minutes and then strain it.
Give your dog a cupful every few hours.
Potential dangers
Rice is perfectly safe unless it isn’t cooked properly or stored properly.
Also, it cannot be substituted for brown rice because that is far harder to digest.
[8] Shredded Chicken
As Batman and Robin are to villains, boiled rice and chicken are to upset stomachs!
How does it work?
Chicken is so agreeable because it is bland and has very little flavour and a high protein content to ease the contents of a stomach.
How should it be served?
Place a couple of chicken breasts in a saucepan.
Add some water so that it covers the breasts by about 1cm.
Boil the water and leave it simmering for 20 minutes.
Potential dangers
Just to be on the safe side, make sure that the chicken is cooked thoroughly.
There shouldn’t be any part of it which is pink.
[9] Plain or natural yoghurt
I’m a keen fan of natural yoghurt and I normally have a pot in my fridge so that I can add it to my porridge for breakfast.
This comes in handy for when one of my dogs is “off color” and I don’t have any sweet potatoes in the cupboard.
How does it work?
Many types of plain or natural yoghurt have a powerful active ingredient called acidophilus.
It is a good bacteria which when ingested can help balance out any bad bacteria.
How should it be served?
Try giving your dog a couple of tablespoons of this every few hours.
You might be lucky and your dog might lick it straight off the spoon.
Or you can add it to your boiled rice.
Potential dangers
This is an interesting one.
If your yogurt contains acidophilus it will contain other probiotics as well.
Some people believe that the effect of all of these probiotics on a delicate stomach could be too much.
Closing Thoughts
In answer to your question, can I give my dog baking soda for an upset stomach? the answer is a clear “yes”.
But don’t forget that there are a host of other home remedies that are known to help nurse your dog back to health.