Black And Tan Corgis: An Essential Guide

These black and tan Corgis have a splash of white ¹

Corgis are an adorable dog breed that was first bred in Wales. They’re often referred to as “Welshies” because of their origins. 

Some believe that their name is derived from the Welsh words “cor” which means “watch over,” and “gi,” which means “dog.” 

Queen Elizabeth II was such a fan of these dogs she had them brought to her castle after her coronation and kept several around all her life.

The American Kennel Club says there are two main types of Welsh Corgis: the Pembroke and the Cardigan. 

Pembroke Welsh Corgi is the most commonly recognized variety. Their average lifespan is 12 to 15 years.

While initially herders, both breeds of Corgis are commonly known for companionship, though each one has unique characteristics. 

A good Corgi puppy should have a healthy weight and be friendly, playful, and energetic. 

It also needs a friendly temperament and not be aggressive or fearful towards other animals.

But do their coat colours come in black and tan?

Here is what you will learn from this article:

Black and tan Corgis

If you are after a black and tan Corgi, then you will need to find yourself a Pembrokeshire Corgi- Cardigan Corgis don’t come with black and tan colourings.

Black and tan corgis have become increasingly popular. With their adorable black, tan and white coats, they have soulful dark eyes and cute, bat-like ears.

Corgis are long, low-set dogs with sturdy bodies and short legs. In spite of this, they are really agile and do well in agility sports. 

Black and tan Corgis often have mainly dark heads with tan along their cheeks or around their eyes. This gives them an attractive quizzical expression.

Their black and tan coats are generally highlighted with white markings on their throats, underbelly, and legs. Because of their combination of black, tan and white, many people refer to them as tri-colors.

Their coats are normally flat but very dense. Long fur, especially tufts on their legs, is considered a breed fault. Other faults include white bodies, pale eyes, and curly coats.

But are there other colour combinations?

Other Common Corgi Colors

Pembroke Corgis come in various colors, including red, fawn, sable, and black and tan, with or without white markings. 

Cardigan Corgis have a lot more variety, with most variations including a significant amount of white.

For instance, you’ll find them in black and white, blue merle and white, brindle and white, red and white, and sable and white. There are also less common variations, such as fawn, liver, and gray with white. 

Let’s take a look at some of these other colour combinations in more detail. 

Other popular colors include:

  • Red – Red and white is probably the most common color variation, and it’s likely the version you’ll recognize as favored by the Queen. These Corgis have mainly red bodies with white on their chests, throats, and underbellies.
  • Fawn – The lightest variation of the colors, fawn Corgis are a paler version of the red Corgi, also with white markings. They have no black in their coats – the darkest parts of their bodies are their eyes and noses.
  • Sable – Sable is the rarest color variation, with coats being a mottled mixture of all the colors, with white on their throats, chests, and bellies like the others.

But getting the correct colour combination is only one small part of owning a dog.

What are their characters like?

The Temperament of Corgis

Corgis are very gentle and loving dogs who like being part of the action. They enjoy playing games and being active, especially with children. They are great family pets because of their friendly and easygoing nature.

Also, Corgi’s loyalty makes them good companions for those who live alone. Finally, because these dogs are intelligent and easy to train, they are perfect for obedience training.

Corgis’ clingy personality

Corgis are known for being incredibly attached to their humans. However, there is a downside to this attachment. If you don’t give your Corgi enough love and attention, they could develop separation anxiety. This is where your Corgi starts getting upset and distressed when you aren’t around.

This behavior is expected among Corgis, especially those specifically bred for companionship. They are highly social animals who thrive off human interaction. 

Therefore, if you constantly work long hours, spend weekends away on trips, or simply just have too many things going on, your Corgi might start feeling neglected.

If you notice your Corgi exhibiting this behavior, try to make sure you spend some quality time with them. 

A lot of people think that Corgis are lazy and uninterested in anything except food and snuggling up next to you. This isn’t true, however. 

Your Corgi wants to feel loved and appreciated just like everyone else does. They need to know that you care about them and want to spend time with them.

Having established that Corgis love human company, it is time to turn our attention to some health and care tips. 

Health and Care Tips

Like all other dogs, corgis require proper care and attention. Make sure you provide your dog with enough exercise and mental stimulation. The following guidelines will help you take good care of your Corgi.

Common health issues

Many Pembroke Corgis develop joint problems during middle age and begin showing signs of arthritis. In addition, these dogs often suffer from hip dysplasia, which causes pain in the hips and lower extremities. 

Other common health issues include cataracts, heart disease, and skin allergies. Breeders advise scheduling routine exams with your dog’s veterinarian every six months.

How much exercise does a Corgi need?

Owners should make sure their Corgi receives regular walks and playtime. Get your vet involved if you notice weight gain or have questions concerning your dog’s diet, feeding schedule, or activity level.

Your vet can help determine whether your Corgi requires further medical treatment or a breed-specific diet.

Diet and Nutrition for Corgis

Corgi nutrition is similar to that of other dogs. They can consume both meat and veggies because they are omnivores. Protein and carbohydrates should both play a role in their diet. A well-balanced diet will help your Corgi stay healthy and active. 

Good quality dog food is an important part of healthy nutrition and should provide all the vitamins and minerals your dog needs. Pay attention to package information on the nutritional content of your dog’s food.

The best way to feed your Corgi is by mixing the food in small portions throughout the day. You should avoid giving him too much at one time. Overeating could lead to stomach discomfort or even health issues.

Grooming Routines

Corgis are known for having thick, dense coats that shed a lot, and you may be concerned about loose fur. There are some things you can do to make sure that your furry friend doesn’t cause havoc around your home, though.

Brushing your Corgi every day keeps their coat clean and helps stop hair from being shed in your house. You may consider investing in a grooming table, which will allow you to quickly and safely comb out your dog’s body.

Alternatively, you could make a daily routine of brushing your dog outside to avoid bringing hair indoors. Regular bathing can also control loose hair, as well as remove any dirt from your dog’s skin that may cause health issues such as allergies.

It is also a good idea to trim your Corgi’s nails regularly. This prevents your dog from getting cuts and scrapes while walking around your house. It also reduces the risk of developing infections and ingrown nails.

Corgi Energy Levels

Despite popular opinion, Corgis are quite active. Ensure your Corgi receives regular exercise if you want to keep him fit and healthy. A Corgi needs to run around every day. 

This keeps his muscles strong and helps him maintain a healthy weight. He’ll enjoy playing games like fetch and tug-of-war. You can also give him some agility training.

Adult dogs who don’t receive enough exercise tend to become overweight. The extra weight puts stress on their joints and bones, making them more prone to injury and health issues as they age.

If your Corgi has been inactive for an extended period of time, he may experience lethargy. Make sure he gets plenty of daily exercise so that he stays alert and energetic.


Corgi owners often say that their dogs are intelligent, but what do they really mean? Believe it or not, Corgis score well above average on problem-solving, memory retention, and learning ability tests. 

In fact, tests have shown that they even beat some commonly intelligent breeds of dogs in several areas, including agility and obedience.

When given a chance to learn something new, they will always try their best. Those looking for a pet who enjoys playing games and learning new tricks will love owning a Corgi.

Is a Corgi the Right Dog for You?

Now that you are more informed regarding Corgis, you may be ready to decide if these adorable dogs are suitable for you. To help you figure out if this breed is suited for your lifestyle, here are some things to consider:

Corgi socializing and ideal home environment

What’s the status of your household in terms of kids? Do you live alone? What is your age, and do you have health conditions? Can you handle their clingy personality and loud bark? 

A Corgi is an active breed. It requires lots of exercise and playtime. A Corgi probably won’t be the best fit if you are looking for a dog that likes to stay inside all day and doesn’t mind sleeping on the couch.

However, a Corgis may be perfect for you if you enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and swimming.

Are Corgis suitable for first-time owners?

If you’re starting out with a puppy, you might find it challenging to care for a Corgi. However, this shouldn’t discourage you from getting one. Many first-time owners struggle when taking a new puppy into their lives.

Fortunately, there are multiple forms of assistance, from books and animal behavior professionals to online resources such as this. 

Looking for Dog Advice?

Choosing a puppy is an exciting undertaking, although sometimes it can be overwhelming to decide on a breed. Corgis make great dogs for animal lovers.

Photo credits

¹ Photo by TineyHo on Flickr