Most of us humans love fudge, and why not share a slice with your four-footed best friend?
After all, he’s looking at you with those longing eyes, begging for a bite of whatever his bestest human parent is having.
Who can resist those pleading eyes?
So, what happens when your dog eats fudge?
Can he eat fudge?
What if he somehow got onto the counter and devoured your entire batch of freshly baked chocolate brownie fudge?
You know, the ones made with the secret family recipe, handed down through the generations.
The one with the extra sugar and extra chocolate?
Let’s find out what could go wrong and what you should do about it.
Can Dogs Eat Fudge?
Most types of fudge are bad for dogs, especially the chocolate kind.
Chocolate could literally kill your dog because of all the methylxanthines it contains.
Say what, now?
Okay, so that’s a really complicated word for a group of chemicals that include caffeine and theobromine.
While these make most humans sort of hyper and alert, they’re incredibly dangerous for dogs.
Basically, they bind to your pup’s cells, blocking the chemicals that usually attach to his cells.
This interferes with his body’s normal functioning and can lead to muscle tremors or seizures, depending on the dosage, your dog’s size, and general health. In large enough doses, this leads to death.
Then, there’s the sugar and fat, which are also pretty bad for dogs. These could lead to pancreatitis, which is an excruciating condition and also potentially fatal. So, even if it’s not chocolate fudge, it’s still off-limits for your pooch.
Can Dogs Eat Caramel?
Caramel is basically sugar, which is always a bad idea for dogs. While it’s not toxic like chocolate, your pup’s body can’t really process it correctly. So, if your pup gets hold of that yummy caramel fudge, you might see him getting very hyper and struggle to concentrate. After this sugar rush wears off, he’ll likely be irritable and lethargic. Just like us when we come down from a crazy sugar rush. Additionally, your pup might also suffer from diarrhea since his body probably doesn’t know what to do with all the sugar, so it’s going haywire.
In the long term, too much sugar and caramel in your dog’s diet could lead to dental disease, obesity, and diabetes, just like with humans. So, it’s a pretty bad idea, no matter how you look at it.
Can Dogs Have Clotted Cream?
Clotted cream fudge is heaven to your taste buds, and your dog probably has the same opinion. Luckily, the cream isn’t toxic for dogs. It’s still not the best, though. If your pup is lactose intolerant, he’ll probably feel quite flatulent after having clotted cream or any other dairy product. He might also show signs of diarrhea. Not a fun thought. Note that most dogs are actually lactose intolerant, so it’s best to keep the dairy well away from little Rover.
In severe cases, your pup is likely to have severe diarrhea and vomiting, which could lead to him developing pancreatitis. This painful condition is potentially lethal, so it’s definitely not worth the risk.
What Happens When a Dog Eats Fudge?
Dogs can get really ill from eating fudge, mainly if it contains chocolate. If you think that your pup got his paws on your freshly baked (or store-bought – no judgment here) fudge, look out for signs that Rover’s not feeling well. If your fur kid is a large breed and he only had a little bit, chances are that he’ll have a pretty bad stomach ache and then turn out fine.
Symptoms are likely to show up between six and twelve hours after he ate the fudge, so don’t let that fur kid out of your sight for a second until you’re really sure that he’s okay. They can show in as little as one hour in extreme cases. You know, if he’s had a lot, or if he’s tiny.
If your pup had way too much, and if he’s a small breed, elderly, or ill already, you’re likely in for a hard time. Your poor Fido is likely to vomit, have diarrhea, fever, rapid breathing, and seizures. If you spot any of these symptoms, get him to the emergency vet immediately. If you’re lucky, the vet might be in time to save him, although you should brace yourself for the worst.
What Should I Do if my Dog Overate Fudge?
If you think your pup had too much chocolate, get hold of the packaging if you can. The law requires that the ingredients be listed on the packaging. Keeping this will help the vet determine precisely what your dog ate and how much of it. Once you’re at the vet, he’ll probably administer some medication to make your pup vomit since this will remove all the nasty toxins he ate. Since some of the stuff is probably already in his bloodstream, the vet might also give him activated charcoal tablets. These will absorb the toxins in the blood, giving your pup a fighting chance.
The vet will probably keep your pup overnight for observation and hook him up to a drip. An IV will help stabilize the fluids and blood in his body and help flush out the toxins. If your pup’s heart rate is skyrocketing, the vet might also give him some extra meds to help stabilize this.
With the proper treatment administered in time, your pup will be back to normal in no time, showing no adverse long-term effects. If you don’t get to the vet in time, things might get pretty bleak.
Does Fudge Have Any Nutritional Value for my Dog?
Fudge is almost all sugar, regardless of the type you chose. In doggy terms, it’s literally a case of “pick your poison.” Then, there are the incredibly high cholesterol levels, which is also not great for your pup. To top everything off, most varieties of fudge contain little to no essential vitamins. What did you expect, though? It’s a sugary treat that we humans have for dessert, even though we know that it’s not good for us.
Can I Make Dog-Friendly Fudge?
Finally, some good news. There are loads of doggy-friendly fudge recipes out there. These are generally peanut butter-based and contain carob powder to make it look and taste like chocolate. Doggy fudge is so good, you’ll want to sneak a few pieces yourself. Unless it’s tuna fudge. That sounds disgusting, but apparently, dogs love it. I guess it’s because it’s super smelly.
Peanut butter fudge is great for your pup since peanut butter is a fantastic all-round doggy health staple. It contains tons of protein and healthy fiber, helping your pup stay in top condition. The best part? Dogs love the stuff. It’s naturally sweet, so smooth, and a great source of on-the-go energy.
Tuna fudge for dogs contains lots of tuna (obviously) and some eggs. Both of these are wonderful nutrients for dogs, containing tons of protein, omega 3, and healthy fat. These are essential to your pup’s health, keeping his body healthy and his coat shiny. It’s great that you can work this into his diet in such a fun way. Just ensure that the tuna is uncooked, and opt for the variety tinned in oil rather than brine. The high salt content in brine isn’t good for your pup’s health. Long-term effects of too much salt in his diet include diabetes and hypertension, both of which are super bad.
Doggy fudge is excellent as a treat after mealtime or as a training reward. Pups love the stuff. It comes in many shapes and sizes, and there are even some gluten-free recipes for your fur kid. If your pup falls within the ranks of gluten-intolerant canines, these are a great option. You wouldn’t want him getting all itchy and sniffly from the yummy treats you made him, right?
Closing Thoughts
Fudge is a bad idea for dogs unless you’re opting for the special doggy-friendly, peanut butter-based variety. The main culprit here is chocolate, which is toxic for dogs. That said, even “boring” options, like vanilla fudge, are bad for dogs due to their high sugar and fat content. At best, the fudge will put your pup on a sugar rush, leaving him feeling hungover and irritable. At worst, it could lead to chocolate poisoning, which is potentially lethal and will definitely require a trip to the emergency vet. The long-term effects of sugary fudge are also not great, including obesity, diabetes, and dental disease. Not a fun picture. So, it’s best to keep those sugary treats away from your four-footed best friend.
Photo credits
¹ Fudge photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash